Dental implants are used to support replacement teeth that resemble, feel, and perform like natural teeth. The person suffering from missing teeth can eat almost anything again and smile confidently, knowing that their teeth will appear natural and their facial contours will be retained. Through the expert touch of dental professionals, those who opt for dental implants in Chicago can relish the assurance that their teeth will exhibit a seamless naturalness, harmonizing effortlessly with their facial contours. The presence of dental implants also aids in mitigating the potential bone loss that can accompany missing teeth.

People are regaining the comfort and self-assurance to eat, speak, laugh, and enjoy life with the assistance of an implant dentist in Chicago, IL.

Evaluation Of Dental Implants

If you, like so many others, believe implant dentistry is right for you, we think that you should get a radiographic examination and also keep an eye o your medical history. Dr. Mariscal, Dr. Boege, Dr. Munoz, or Dr. Flores-Hutton, or an Oral Maxillofacial Surgeon referred by our office, will address your particular needs and concerns during these appointments. We value your inquires, and our team will work closely with you to ensure that your surgery is a success.

Dental Implants Treatment in Chicago - InSmyle Dental - Dentist Chicago

Dental Implant Procedure

Dental implants are tooth root replacements that are made of metal. They're implanted into the jaw bone surgically. After that, little posts are fastened to the and protrude through the gum tissues. These posts offer a stable source of foundation for artificial teeth.

For many patients in Chicago, dental implant installation includes two surgical procedures, each carefully orchestrated to ensure optimal results. Dental Implants in Chicago, the cornerstone of modern tooth replacement, are first delicately inserted into your jaw bone by skilled professionals. During this time, you will be wearing temporary dentures and following a diet rich in soft food items. Your Chicago dentist creates the final bridgework or denture during that time, which will boost both appearance and performance.

The second stage begins once the implant has integrated with the jaw bone. The implants will be exposed and a tiny healing collar will be attached by the surgeon. Drs. Mariscal, Boege, Munoz, and Flores-Hutton can then begin creating your replacement teeth. It is important to take an impression. Following this, the posts are connected to the implants. After that, the replacement teeth are produced over these posts. It normally takes six to eight months to complete the treatment. Most patients report no difficulties in their regular lives following the procedure

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